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广州市黄河灯光器材厂,坐落在风景迷人的广州白云山下,毗邻白云国际机场。是一家集科研、生产、营销及售后服务为一体的舞台灯光企业。创办于1999年,一直以来黄河人坚持以“让世界舞动”为已任,在“打造国际知名品牌,树立受人尊重企业”的目标指导下,大力高举质量和服务旗帜,开拓创新,使黄河品牌形象迅速提升,企业不断稳步发展。 2005年公司顺利通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证,并成为“世界**理事会成员单位”、“中国质量信用AAA企业”、“中国演艺技术协会会员单位”以及五十多个产品已获得“CE”认证等。 2006年9月,公司与英国雅格莱国际集团在香港合资成立了“英国雅格莱灯光音响(香港)有限公司”,并负责海外营销及研发。 公司在国内设立了多个分支机构,代理商遍布全国各大中城市。在海外,我们产品畅销欧美、东南亚、俄罗斯等60多个**和地区。 黄河以:“感受舞台魅力,提升客户价值,实现员工理想,共创企业愿景”为宗旨,服务于全球新老客户。同时感谢您们一直以来对黄河灯光的支持和认可。 Located at the hill of beautiful scenery Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain and near the booming Baiyun international airport, Guangzhou Yellow River lighting Equipment Factory is a stage lighting enterprise which gathers research, production, marketing and after-sales as intergral whole. Established in 1999, the staff in Yellow River always take the responsibility “Let the world dance” upon ourself. Under the target “ Creat the international well-known brand”, “ built up respected enterprise”, we highly raise quality and service flag, expand innovation, make “ Huang He” brand image promote quickly. The enterprise is delevoping continuously & steadily. We passed the ISO9001:2000 Authentication in 2005 and were awarded “the member of world famous brand council”, “ Chinese quality reputation AAA enterprise”, “the member of chinese show technology association”. More then fifty kinds of goods have been granted “CE” certification. In September 2006, we founded “U.K. YA GE LAI LIGHTING &AUDIO (HONG KONG) LIMITED” through cooperating with U.K. YA GE LAI international group and will be responsible for oversea marketing and development. We set up several branches in our home market. our agents covers all the cities in China. Our goods are popular in Europe and America, Southeast Asia, Russia.,etc., more then 60 countries and regions. We take the aim of “feel stage magic power, promote customer worth, carry out emplyee ideal, creat enterprise vision” to serve our global business friends.

公司名称: 广东雅格莱灯光音响有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
所 在 地: 湖北/鄂州市 公司规模: 100-499人
注册资本: 30万人民币 注册年份: 2010
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 制造商
经营范围: 摇头灯,光束灯,舞台灯光,LED灯,追光灯,激光灯,图案效果灯,户外型系列,柔光灯,频闪系列,舞台配套系列,控台系列,聚光灯,城市亮化灯光
销售的产品: 摇头灯,光束灯,舞台灯光,LED灯,追光灯,激光灯,图案效果灯,户外型系列,柔光灯,频闪系列,舞台配套系列,控台系列,聚光灯,城市亮化灯光
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